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Annabel Williams - Roadshow

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Annabel Williams - Roadshow

Mesajde mariap20 » Mie Mar 16, 2011 8:55 am

Hello tuturor,

Am primt pe mail o invitatie extrem de interesant, dar fara sa pot sa merg (timpul nu e de partea mea) la Roadshow'ul Annabelei Williams. Pentru cei care nu stiu cine (desi ma indoiesc ca exista cineva), Annabel este o fotografa foarte buna, care se ocupa mai ales cu portretistica.

Dar nu va mai obosesc cu scrisul meu si va las un link care spune tot:
I'm not changing, I'm just maturing, I promise
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Mesaje: 19
Membru din: Mie Feb 16, 2011 10:32 am
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: Annabel Williams - Roadshow

Mesajde EMINESCU » Mie Mar 16, 2011 10:39 pm

Eu mi-as face timp, dar n-am banii !!!
Daca ma spunsorizeaza cineva, ma duc.

Re: Annabel Williams - Roadshow

Mesajde mariap20 » Mar Mai 24, 2011 1:23 pm

Pt cei interesati, inca mai sun locuri !!!

Am primit urmatorul mail:
"Hi Everyone

Just to say I am looking forward to seeing you in London next week - get ready for an enlightening, exciting and controversial evening! I've spent a long time working out how photographers can turn "The great shift in photography" to their advantage - and it's all happening on Tuesday 31st May!

If you haven't already booked your place, we still have a few seats up for grabs - details on

And if you've already told me you can't make it - please ignore this email - it's just easier for me to send it out to everyone (I am much better at photography than I am at sending out mass emails!!).

Photography is in a really weird place right now - it's never going to be the same again! Let's get together and make it work for us all.

Kindest regards

Asa ca cine doreste, inca se mai poate inscrie :)

O zi placuta in continuare :)
I'm not changing, I'm just maturing, I promise
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Mesaje: 19
Membru din: Mie Feb 16, 2011 10:32 am
Localitate: Bucuresti

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